In The Growing Threat to Brands, Hidden in Plain Sight, I wrote about the phenomenon of Experience Debt, and how the pursuit of digitization and efficiency over emotional connections threatens to break the relationship between consumers and the brands they love. As you would expect from me, I also offered recommendations for how we can do better and work to eliminate experience debt.
I feel this topic is important, and because some subscribers prefer an audio-based experience, I put everything aside to reëdit the original article and cut an audio version, which I’m sharing as Episode 2 of the podcast series.
Addressing the topic in the Do Good by Doing Better podcast also opens it up to a wider audience that can be reached through multiple podcast platforms.
Specific topics in this episode include:
The definition of Experience Debt and its origins
How Experience Debt shows up in daily life and can degrade our relationship with brands
The economic impact of Experience Debt
Calls to action and recommendations to roll back Experience Debt
Please let me know what you think!
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