I'm often asked about my philosophy and approach to leading teams.
I love that question because building and leading high-performance teams is one of the most rewarding parts of my job and has resulted in a lot of friendships along the way.
As a people leader, I know that the success of the team begins with me, so no matter what business or type of work we're doing, I consistently model the way:
▶︎ Communicate a clear vision for the future
▶︎ Stay grounded in the business, and close to what customers and stakeholders want and need
▶︎ Engage in continuous dialogue and learning
▶︎ Provide direct, timely, and transparent feedback
▶︎ Make decisions thoughtfully and with intentionality
▶︎ See, support, and coach team members as an advocate for their advancement
▶︎ Lead with bold optimism, creativity, and positivity
▶︎ Deliver strong and sustained results
These core tenets are internal to me. And simply sharing them or putting them on a PowerPoint isn't enough to build organizational culture.
So how do I translate these leadership tenets and principles into statements that build culture?
That's what I'm going to share with you in my next post, so be sure to follow me here so that you don't miss out.
I look forward to seeing your reactions, your comments, and hope you'll share your own core leadership principles with me as well!
#leadership #teamsuccess #peopleleader #buildingteams #culturematters #ericduell #leaderlines